The Leadership Culture Survey
- Establish a compelling rationale for change.
- Focus leadership development efforts.
- Delineate cultural challenges associated with acquisitions, mergers and restructuring plans.
- Correlate leadership to productivity, profits, turnover, and other bottom line metrics.
Features & Benefits:
- Measures the current culture and the desired culture. Respondents fi ll out the same 62 questions twice—once for the way things are, and once for the way they want them to be. When results are displayed, the gap between current reality and desired culture is highlighted. This focuses the conversation immediately on those aspects of the culture that most need to be addressed.
- Measures 31 dimensions of culture. These dimensions are organized into eight summary dimensions and displayed in the same circular format as the inner circle of The Leadership Circle Profile. The eight dimensions are further summarized into two measures of overall organizational health. Altogether, when you add it all up, The Leadership Culture Survey provides 41 different dimensions through which to understand your current and desired culture.
- Taps into an ever-growing norm base that allows for your organization to be compared to the total norm base and/or to any industry group(s) that provide for valid comparisons.
- Break-out reports can easily be produced on every sub-group in an organization from the work team to the entire organization.
- Is user friendly, administered over the internet, and results are immediately downloadable. This means that over a lunch break, you can conduct a thorough and valid assessment of your team’s leadership style.
- Data display is vivid, precise, and easy to understand. It allows for immediate, in-depth understanding of this valuable information.
- Is completely confidential.
- Is accessible for the visually disabled.
Most programs are available as a one hour talk; a half day workshop; or as a six session coaching program. For more information on how to register for this great program, or other amazing opportunities like it, click to Email Sharon, or Book an Information Call for details.